Mark Boslough Mark Boslough

It’s Time to Retract the Sodom Airburst Paper

A paper published a year ago today claimed that an ancient biblical city was destroyed by a Tunguska sized cosmic airburst. The authors tampered with the photographic evidence and made multiple false statements. The journal should retract it.

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Mark Boslough Mark Boslough

I Had Classified Files On My Computer Too. So What?

Much has been made of the fact that Hillary Clinton's personal computer contained classified email. This sounds bad to anyone who is unaccustomed to dealing with classified information, but not so much to those of us with security clearances

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Mark Boslough Mark Boslough

Mark Ronchetti on Global Warming

“We did the data over the past 80 years our overnight lows are up between three and four degrees. Does that concern you? It concerns me... I mean I was scared to death when I saw that number.”

—Mark Ronchetti

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Mark Boslough Mark Boslough

UFO Over the Tetons

It is much more fun and challenging and honest to try to explain UFOs with science and the laws of physics. To attribute them to some mysterious or supernatural "unknown" is intellectually lazy.

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Mark Boslough Mark Boslough

This Flag is Your Flag

The American Flag is the Union Flag. It represents a country unified with pride in its opposition to slavery and rebellion, and in celebration of victory over insurrection and sedition including the Civil War as well as the violent coup attempt on January 6, 2021.

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